Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Musical

So this has easily been one of the most musical weekends of my life (excluding Spirit West Coast, which is well, only music). It started on Friday with an Art Hop that was kinda light on the art and the hop was only slightly hoppy, but it was still a good start to a musical weekend.

Saturday continued by adding a trip to Vintage Days and the Battle of the Bands, which was interesting to say the very least. It started alright, the first band had good music but pretty lacking vocals. The second band was either a really awful or so good that i couldn't wrap my brain around it. They pretty much just made noise just to be as loud and obnoxious as possible, while you watch the vocalist scream and strain so hard you got to know every vein in his face and neck because they were almost all that you could see, oh and you couldn't hear his voice because he was turned down so low that even his screaming didn't carry over the bass that they cranked to 11. Then the last minute fill in for the no show band act came up and made a good attempt at last minute performing. They were three guys and a girl who rapped over pre-made beats and ran around stage. The hype guy was good, and the guy with actual skill was rapping quite fast, but the girl sang atrociously and the white guy that just paced the stage was laughably bad. The most energetic crowd response was for "GODS AND KINGS MOTHERFUCKER," and if anyone is able to forget their name after hearing it screamed about ten bajillion times by their thoroughly drugged and therefore loud friends. They were death metal, with an ...interesting... poem, two of my least favorite things. The poem was something about satan and they sharing a baby to snack on, with a side of puppies and rainbows. Ok, well maybe not, but i didn't care to listen to the poem and my version is much more entertaining. They were, well, loud. Their friends did a nice hair band tribute by throwing their hair around and nodding their heads, it was good. The real talent came after that, a band called Radagun (Rad-uh-gun) was up and they were as if Paramore and Flyleaf had babies that made a band. The easiest comparison is those because Radagun had a female singer and all male band mates. They easily had the strangest bass player because (and I'm not sure about this) had a stroke on stage and kept playing through it. His face was super-expressive, its just too bad that he looked as if he was birthing a baby calf with his eyes wide open the whole time. They ended up winning because they probably got point for not being as bad as band 2, not a last second replacement like 3, not chanting satan into the building like 4, and actually had talent. The last band to go could have been good, it was Hip-Rock, with the vocalist rapping to his band playing rock beats. It was well done and showed creativity, but the voice was muffled and it kinda took away from the performance.

Today, was even more music, this time of the expected nature. I went out to see the Super Lucky Cats core acoustic session at Bobafucius and had a good time. Robert and Brandon played a short set including my favorite song, and before they played music, I had a nice game and lesson in chess with Robert. He wiped the floor with me, but I learned a lot and had a good time. They are going to be playing there monthly and it is a must see.

But thats not all, if you order now, I'll throw in a Mennonite Men's Choir consisting of 150 male voices. I went to support one of the voices, in the form of my Grandpa (technically step, but thats isn't important). It was, how can I put this delicately, DULL AS HELL. I shouldn't be proud to admit this, but I was doing theoretical physics on a piece of the bulletin because it would keep me awake. I actually use that strategy a lot. Boring car rides and things of that nature are hard to fall asleep during if you're simultaneously doing math and spatial reasoning in your head. That wrapped up my musical weekend, in total there were nine different musical groups in a three day span. Thats a nice average.


In non-music news, there is a new member of the Kool Kids Klub (which is only 3/4 of one person and 1/2 of another person ironic. Yeah Barney and Robin, way to ruin the dynamics by being different.) No Show doesn't really count as new to town because she did live here, but she is newly moved for a long period of time, and i am happy about it. Its nice to know and have more people to hang out with, and if Justin (I have a feeling that i got his name wrong, I remember that it started with a J though, but there wasn't much conversing when he was around) joins up, that would be cool too. That would make two new movers (and coincidentally at about the same time too) in the same group. I did some mini-golfing and had a blast, even though it was 45783 degrees outside. I pretty much played the whole course with a putter made for a six year old because the short person didn't want to feel short. It was nice hanging out with a female without dating them or even wanting to date them. Getting to know someone just to know more about people and care about their lives, the world needs more people to care about what people have to say, it would solve a lot of issues. I also had a really great conversation with someone that I haven't talked to in a year or more. Its funny that the simplest things can start a good conversation and a catch-up, when you may not even remember why you lost touch in the first place. I'm glad to hear that she is happy and that she was able to have such an experience this weekend.

In other news, tomorrow starts another week, and I'm sort of excited. I like making plans for the future, ones that you plan on keeping, because you always have something to look foreward to. Currently a hike up Half Dome and a game of catch/pitch and hit are on the docket. I don't think I have a choice in getting much more fit, and doing a lot less of sitting and doing nothing. Activity in life is amazing.

In strange feeling news, I really don't know, but there are enough clues to suggest, my ex is engaged and going to get married at some point. If its true, Congratulations! I'm really happy for you and that you could find that guy so soon. I sincerely hope everything works out like you deserve. But now i kinda understand the feeling that my brother had when his ex got engaged and married. Its kinda odd.

Its a really good thing that I'm enjoying the single life and think its too soon for me to even think of marriage. But thats for another day, because I'm still sorting out my feelings and my naive thoughts of when I will be married by.


-J.M.Williams said...

wait how did i ruin being different? Im confused

W. Murdock said...

You didn't ruin being different, you ruined the all white group by being different.

Lucky Chant said...

I'm going to hike half dome in May. I'll probably stop halfway. I'm pretty scared actually. As for vintage days, battle of the bands was okay, the only thing that is required of vintage days though, is one those huge, guilt inducing cinnamon rolls.

Kay said...

but... didn't his gf leave him instead of the other way around?