Sunday, April 12, 2009

New Addiction!

So, this whole video game thing may get out of hand, I've regressed about ten years and started playing Pokemon Emerald. I know already, that does make me a loser, in a extreme way. But I've never seen any of the new breed of Pokemon and if you think you're not curious, you're wrong, and you know you remember a few from the original set. But much like I kept updating the Harvest Moon Blog, I plan on doing the same thing (with the Pokedex names and numbers, badges, and other important things I come across). So here it is for you to try to compete with.

(x) - Only seen, havent caught
* - In my party
001: Treeko (x)
007: Mudkip (My starter Pokemon)
008: Marshtomp*
010: Poochyena
011: Mightyena (x)
012: Zigzagoon
013: Linoone (x)
014: Wurmple
015: Silcoon
016: Beautifly (x)
017: Cascoon
018: Dustox (x)
019: Lotad (2)
020: Lombre (x)
022: Seedot
023: Nuzleaf (x)
025: Taillow
026: Swellow (x)
027: Wingull
028: Pelipper (x)
029: Ralts
030: Kirlia*
034: Shroomish
036: Slakoth
037: Vigoroth*
038: Slaking (x)
039: Abra (caught one, bred two more)
040: Kadabra
042: Nincada
043: Ninjask (x)
045: Whismur
046: Loudred (x)
048: Makuhita
050: Goldeen
052: Magicarp
053: Gyrados*
054: Azurill (x)
055: Marill (2)
057: Geodude
058: Graveler (x)
060: Nosepass (x)
061: Skitty*
062: Delacatty
063: Zubat
066: Tentacool
068: Sableye
070: Aron
073: Machop
076: Meditite (x)
078: Electrike
079: Manetric (x)
080: Plusle
081: Minun
082: Magnemite (x)
083: Magneton (x)
084: Voltorb
086: Volbeat
087: Ilumise
088: Oddish
089: Gloom
092: Doduo
094: Roselia (only acquired by trade)
095: Gulpin
097: Carvanha (x)
099: Wailmer (x)
101: Numel
102: Camerupt
103: Slugma
105: Torkoal
108: Koffing
110: Spoink
112: Sandshrew
114: Spinda
115: Skarmory
116: Trapinch
121: Swablu
122: Altaria
123: Zangoose
124: Seviper
126: Solrock
127: Barboach
131: Baltoy (x)
139: Wigglytuff
142: Castform
145: Kecleon
150: Tropius
152: Absol
160: Wynaut
163: Xatu
167: Pinsir
Totals: 91 Seen, 51 Caught

Trainer Card:
ID: 51061
Badges: Stone, Knuckle, Dynamo, Heat, Balance, and Feather.

40 Registered


Lucky Chant said...

Hahaha... i thought i was the only one in the world to regress back to pokemon fandom. I secretly want to play pokemon pearl... shhhh don't tell anyone.

At least you don't have an emulator for your computer so you can play pokemon crystal... I think I win the biggest loser showdown here.

W. Murdock said...

I actually am playing the Pokemon games on an emulator, i couldn't justify paying anything more than Free to play. Or the embarrassment of buying a Pokemon game while being 20 years old... Thats also only one of two emulators i own, i have one for the PSX to play the old Harvest Moon. I win this showdown.