Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So this may not come out right, it my sound almost disrespectful in some ways, but it came to me and i dont think I will be able to sleep until ive written it out. Ive never had a medical emergency, ive never been admitted to a hospital for anything after my birth. Ive had injuries, but never anything serious.ive never been on the brink of death, or violently ill in my adult life. I can help but think of how lucky people that have and survived are. I think that would be truely the best way to find out the truth about the people, places, and things that you hold close to you. If you were to go into a coma, who would come visit even though they know you wont be talking to them? Who would show up and bring flowers/cards/balloons? Who wouldnt show up? Would anyone outside of your family show up regularly? Its great to think that you have contributed to someone else's life, and put your all into being there for them, but if it came down to a hopless situation, would they bail and look for something new? Have you really done enough to keep those people around when you cant be there for them?
The most important questions aren't any of those, they are all good questions, but not the best ones. Who would you be surprised to find there? Have you been neglecting someone thinking that it puttered out and nothing came of it? Did one thing you do for someone mean more to them than it meant to you?
The thing to think about is are you seeing everything and everyone in the correct light. The wrong light on one situation can mean the difference between making a life-long friendship, and losing that friendship. I dont in any way claim to know the right light for any situation, ive made some of the worst mistakes, ive acted wrongly and ive dstroyed some great things. But in the end, you should learn from every moment in your life. You may not learn anything ground breaking for long stretches, but everything you learn is important. Today, i learned an awful lot of things. 98% of those were out of bad situations that i either made worse, or just bad situations. Now i know not to do a few things and to pay more attention to others. Nothing specific, because everyone needs to learn their own lessons, or else they wont learn anything. Just know, Bridges burn easily, and the only way to know how easily, is for them to burst into flames in front of your eyes.
I give up, im not sure that anything ive said is sensical or even worth writing, this is just my silly attempt at getting sleep. Loud music couldnt cover thinking, so i hoped that writing would. We will see. Back to Happy-Go-Lucky and fun times in the next blog.

[String of expletives deleted] o('-')o


Lucky Chant said...

Your post seemed a little down. I hope you've cheered up. =)

Oh and what year are you at fresno state? Thankfully i didn't have any group 4 ions so I didn't have to do a flame test for the practical. I finally have next semester's schedule figured. more chemistry for me. woo.

Nrgyfitgirl said...

i wld be at the hopsickle even if u were out cold...i wld play movies i kno you hate in hopes your irritation wld wake u up... i wld tell you jokes to make sure that when you did wake up you wld still be funny.. and i wld buy you an obscene stuffed aminal that i know you wld get a kick out of when you did wake up... and you wld wake up because i give you no other option :]