Sunday, April 26, 2009

Adventures in Yaya's Castle

Yaya's beautiful castle would be much more correct, because she did make many mentions of how beautiful it is. I spent the majority of my weekend hanging out with a new crowd. This crowd consists of a really great and fun family, especially one really fun little girl. She is The Red Baron's little sister and about three and a half years old. i think its wonderful being able to see how little kids react to their surroundings and tell you how they feel and say whatever they want, because they don't feel obligations or embarrassment if something goes wrong. While this doesn't work for everyone and wont solve every problem, it is still nice to see. [deep thoughts and insight here]

I really lost all thought of what i was planning on writing above, but i need a new blog to update everything and not make people think I'm still in the "Comatose" mindset or mood. The next few days cleared everything up and everything is nice and peachy. I had a good week and a great weekend. I did hang out with Yaya and her sister, where i went from the scary and tall boy to the fun one that flips her over and carries her upside down and chases her. On Saturday night, The Red Baron and I went to hang out at Riverpark and wait for Barney come so we could watch the Soloist. Before and after the movie, Barney and I talked up and got some more support for our experimental Nex-Gen Churching, which now the more i talk and think about it, seems more and more likely to be a good and successful idea. Sunday was the day that I went with The Red Baron to mini-golf at Yaya's beautiful castle and also briefly to Chuck-e-cheese's. It was pretty fun, but Papa Red Baron took everything a little too seriously, but it was still fun. That was pretty much my weekend.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So this may not come out right, it my sound almost disrespectful in some ways, but it came to me and i dont think I will be able to sleep until ive written it out. Ive never had a medical emergency, ive never been admitted to a hospital for anything after my birth. Ive had injuries, but never anything serious.ive never been on the brink of death, or violently ill in my adult life. I can help but think of how lucky people that have and survived are. I think that would be truely the best way to find out the truth about the people, places, and things that you hold close to you. If you were to go into a coma, who would come visit even though they know you wont be talking to them? Who would show up and bring flowers/cards/balloons? Who wouldnt show up? Would anyone outside of your family show up regularly? Its great to think that you have contributed to someone else's life, and put your all into being there for them, but if it came down to a hopless situation, would they bail and look for something new? Have you really done enough to keep those people around when you cant be there for them?
The most important questions aren't any of those, they are all good questions, but not the best ones. Who would you be surprised to find there? Have you been neglecting someone thinking that it puttered out and nothing came of it? Did one thing you do for someone mean more to them than it meant to you?
The thing to think about is are you seeing everything and everyone in the correct light. The wrong light on one situation can mean the difference between making a life-long friendship, and losing that friendship. I dont in any way claim to know the right light for any situation, ive made some of the worst mistakes, ive acted wrongly and ive dstroyed some great things. But in the end, you should learn from every moment in your life. You may not learn anything ground breaking for long stretches, but everything you learn is important. Today, i learned an awful lot of things. 98% of those were out of bad situations that i either made worse, or just bad situations. Now i know not to do a few things and to pay more attention to others. Nothing specific, because everyone needs to learn their own lessons, or else they wont learn anything. Just know, Bridges burn easily, and the only way to know how easily, is for them to burst into flames in front of your eyes.
I give up, im not sure that anything ive said is sensical or even worth writing, this is just my silly attempt at getting sleep. Loud music couldnt cover thinking, so i hoped that writing would. We will see. Back to Happy-Go-Lucky and fun times in the next blog.

[String of expletives deleted] o('-')o

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What the Fizzuk?

The only good thing about today has literally been getting a new aguababa...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Musical

So this has easily been one of the most musical weekends of my life (excluding Spirit West Coast, which is well, only music). It started on Friday with an Art Hop that was kinda light on the art and the hop was only slightly hoppy, but it was still a good start to a musical weekend.

Saturday continued by adding a trip to Vintage Days and the Battle of the Bands, which was interesting to say the very least. It started alright, the first band had good music but pretty lacking vocals. The second band was either a really awful or so good that i couldn't wrap my brain around it. They pretty much just made noise just to be as loud and obnoxious as possible, while you watch the vocalist scream and strain so hard you got to know every vein in his face and neck because they were almost all that you could see, oh and you couldn't hear his voice because he was turned down so low that even his screaming didn't carry over the bass that they cranked to 11. Then the last minute fill in for the no show band act came up and made a good attempt at last minute performing. They were three guys and a girl who rapped over pre-made beats and ran around stage. The hype guy was good, and the guy with actual skill was rapping quite fast, but the girl sang atrociously and the white guy that just paced the stage was laughably bad. The most energetic crowd response was for "GODS AND KINGS MOTHERFUCKER," and if anyone is able to forget their name after hearing it screamed about ten bajillion times by their thoroughly drugged and therefore loud friends. They were death metal, with an ...interesting... poem, two of my least favorite things. The poem was something about satan and they sharing a baby to snack on, with a side of puppies and rainbows. Ok, well maybe not, but i didn't care to listen to the poem and my version is much more entertaining. They were, well, loud. Their friends did a nice hair band tribute by throwing their hair around and nodding their heads, it was good. The real talent came after that, a band called Radagun (Rad-uh-gun) was up and they were as if Paramore and Flyleaf had babies that made a band. The easiest comparison is those because Radagun had a female singer and all male band mates. They easily had the strangest bass player because (and I'm not sure about this) had a stroke on stage and kept playing through it. His face was super-expressive, its just too bad that he looked as if he was birthing a baby calf with his eyes wide open the whole time. They ended up winning because they probably got point for not being as bad as band 2, not a last second replacement like 3, not chanting satan into the building like 4, and actually had talent. The last band to go could have been good, it was Hip-Rock, with the vocalist rapping to his band playing rock beats. It was well done and showed creativity, but the voice was muffled and it kinda took away from the performance.

Today, was even more music, this time of the expected nature. I went out to see the Super Lucky Cats core acoustic session at Bobafucius and had a good time. Robert and Brandon played a short set including my favorite song, and before they played music, I had a nice game and lesson in chess with Robert. He wiped the floor with me, but I learned a lot and had a good time. They are going to be playing there monthly and it is a must see.

But thats not all, if you order now, I'll throw in a Mennonite Men's Choir consisting of 150 male voices. I went to support one of the voices, in the form of my Grandpa (technically step, but thats isn't important). It was, how can I put this delicately, DULL AS HELL. I shouldn't be proud to admit this, but I was doing theoretical physics on a piece of the bulletin because it would keep me awake. I actually use that strategy a lot. Boring car rides and things of that nature are hard to fall asleep during if you're simultaneously doing math and spatial reasoning in your head. That wrapped up my musical weekend, in total there were nine different musical groups in a three day span. Thats a nice average.


In non-music news, there is a new member of the Kool Kids Klub (which is only 3/4 of one person and 1/2 of another person ironic. Yeah Barney and Robin, way to ruin the dynamics by being different.) No Show doesn't really count as new to town because she did live here, but she is newly moved for a long period of time, and i am happy about it. Its nice to know and have more people to hang out with, and if Justin (I have a feeling that i got his name wrong, I remember that it started with a J though, but there wasn't much conversing when he was around) joins up, that would be cool too. That would make two new movers (and coincidentally at about the same time too) in the same group. I did some mini-golfing and had a blast, even though it was 45783 degrees outside. I pretty much played the whole course with a putter made for a six year old because the short person didn't want to feel short. It was nice hanging out with a female without dating them or even wanting to date them. Getting to know someone just to know more about people and care about their lives, the world needs more people to care about what people have to say, it would solve a lot of issues. I also had a really great conversation with someone that I haven't talked to in a year or more. Its funny that the simplest things can start a good conversation and a catch-up, when you may not even remember why you lost touch in the first place. I'm glad to hear that she is happy and that she was able to have such an experience this weekend.

In other news, tomorrow starts another week, and I'm sort of excited. I like making plans for the future, ones that you plan on keeping, because you always have something to look foreward to. Currently a hike up Half Dome and a game of catch/pitch and hit are on the docket. I don't think I have a choice in getting much more fit, and doing a lot less of sitting and doing nothing. Activity in life is amazing.

In strange feeling news, I really don't know, but there are enough clues to suggest, my ex is engaged and going to get married at some point. If its true, Congratulations! I'm really happy for you and that you could find that guy so soon. I sincerely hope everything works out like you deserve. But now i kinda understand the feeling that my brother had when his ex got engaged and married. Its kinda odd.

Its a really good thing that I'm enjoying the single life and think its too soon for me to even think of marriage. But thats for another day, because I'm still sorting out my feelings and my naive thoughts of when I will be married by.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


When did manners go out the door? This one is addressed to your marine, and you can tell him, or he can read it himself, it doesnt much matter. First, "Faggot" is obviously not true as evidenced by the fact that you know me through Kaye (but I wont try to convince you that "faggot" isn't an insult because there is nothing insulting about being homosexual). Second, you really didnt need to "threaten" me with coming and finding me and the fact that i dont want that, thanks for the heads up. In the end, all you had to say was that you didnt want me talking to her anymore, I've been in the situation and I know what its like. I respect you for being a Marine, you do wonderful things in defense of this country, but messages like that really dimish reputation. At the end of this all, I know what its like so I'm going to give you that space and wish you the best of luck in life, I really hope everything works out. Oh, and Happy Easter to you as well.

New Addiction!

So, this whole video game thing may get out of hand, I've regressed about ten years and started playing Pokemon Emerald. I know already, that does make me a loser, in a extreme way. But I've never seen any of the new breed of Pokemon and if you think you're not curious, you're wrong, and you know you remember a few from the original set. But much like I kept updating the Harvest Moon Blog, I plan on doing the same thing (with the Pokedex names and numbers, badges, and other important things I come across). So here it is for you to try to compete with.

(x) - Only seen, havent caught
* - In my party
001: Treeko (x)
007: Mudkip (My starter Pokemon)
008: Marshtomp*
010: Poochyena
011: Mightyena (x)
012: Zigzagoon
013: Linoone (x)
014: Wurmple
015: Silcoon
016: Beautifly (x)
017: Cascoon
018: Dustox (x)
019: Lotad (2)
020: Lombre (x)
022: Seedot
023: Nuzleaf (x)
025: Taillow
026: Swellow (x)
027: Wingull
028: Pelipper (x)
029: Ralts
030: Kirlia*
034: Shroomish
036: Slakoth
037: Vigoroth*
038: Slaking (x)
039: Abra (caught one, bred two more)
040: Kadabra
042: Nincada
043: Ninjask (x)
045: Whismur
046: Loudred (x)
048: Makuhita
050: Goldeen
052: Magicarp
053: Gyrados*
054: Azurill (x)
055: Marill (2)
057: Geodude
058: Graveler (x)
060: Nosepass (x)
061: Skitty*
062: Delacatty
063: Zubat
066: Tentacool
068: Sableye
070: Aron
073: Machop
076: Meditite (x)
078: Electrike
079: Manetric (x)
080: Plusle
081: Minun
082: Magnemite (x)
083: Magneton (x)
084: Voltorb
086: Volbeat
087: Ilumise
088: Oddish
089: Gloom
092: Doduo
094: Roselia (only acquired by trade)
095: Gulpin
097: Carvanha (x)
099: Wailmer (x)
101: Numel
102: Camerupt
103: Slugma
105: Torkoal
108: Koffing
110: Spoink
112: Sandshrew
114: Spinda
115: Skarmory
116: Trapinch
121: Swablu
122: Altaria
123: Zangoose
124: Seviper
126: Solrock
127: Barboach
131: Baltoy (x)
139: Wigglytuff
142: Castform
145: Kecleon
150: Tropius
152: Absol
160: Wynaut
163: Xatu
167: Pinsir
Totals: 91 Seen, 51 Caught

Trainer Card:
ID: 51061
Badges: Stone, Knuckle, Dynamo, Heat, Balance, and Feather.

40 Registered

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Its Been a While...

Its funny how a song can bring memories from long passed times, the song currently playing is Desperately Wanting by Better than Ezra (who have an awesome story for how their band name came about... They first played at a tellent show and were preceded by a band named Ezra, who thoroughly sucked, and BTE had not been named yet, so they came out and introduced themselves as "Better than Ezra") and this song immediately makes me think of CT and Sarah's basement, because 1) she loved BTE and 2) this was one of her favorite songs by them and 3) I used this song as an excuse that got me alot of "awwwwwwwwwwws." Now we are going to take a trip through my mind as my itunes shuffles all my music and memories come.

Paramore: It really doesnt matter what song, the band is forever connected to Christine who was the first to introduce me to the band by asking me "does her hair look awesome?"

Colin Hay - Overkill: Scrubs, not much else, just that its the awesome song from Scrubs. The Police: Wonderful band, my mom's favorite and always playing in the house.

Tenacious D - Wonderboy
(Also applies to Tenacious D - Tribute, Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend, MC Hammer - 2 Legit 2 Quit and Can't Touch This and Metro Station - Shake it.): Driving home on the 99 singing as loud as possible, laughing hysterically, and dancing which caused more hysterical laughing.

Alterbridge - Open Your Eyes: "Whos song is this?" "Hint: To Change and the Golden Gate ____" "Now what did this band go by before they got a new lead singer?" "What is the old lead singer's name?" "Why did the lead singer leave?" The sad thing about this is that even after the 50th time asking, it took the same effort to get the right answers.

30 Seconds to Mars: Jeremiah. Originally came from the song From Yesterday which had a wicked cool music video. Then they became a regular on my iPod while i was going to/from State on the bus.

Fall Out Boy: CT, and the group. It just was kinda on when we were together, not even always on purpose.

The Nightmare Before Christmas - Kidnap the Sandy Claws: Disney Land, and the Haunted Mansion arguing in line over a camera.

Jason Mraz - I'm Yours: Athena playing guitar and singing this song while i was down in SD for Christmas, she was really good.

Marty Casey (The Lovehammers) - Trees: Simple and good song from the Rockstar:INXS show. Therefore indirectly it reminds me of Buckle because he thought about trying out for the show until he read the contract (they own you and your songs to do with as they please for a year+ depending on how well you do.)

Guster: Forever will be equated with Campmeeting drives, being in the black Corolla driving to and from with the windows down all the way and music blaring.

Skillet: Cory gets credit for them for knowing everything about them, having all their CDs and playing them frequently, and yes, the wife did ruin the band for that short period.

Red - Breathe into Me: SWC opening concert, and their semi-satanic looking eye make-up.

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists: Holding my breath, their music was just what i happened to chose while trying to learn how to hold my breath longer and control my heart rate.

Boyce Avenue: Taylor trying to talk about how off the singer's voice is and talk about how much she knew about pitch and tone and blah blah blah, while just about everyone else enjoyed their covers of good music in different styles.

Gavin DeGraw - Chemical Party: ALWAYS on in Becca's car, when i say ALWAYS, i mean ALWAYS. Good thing i liked the song.

Jack Johnson - Bananana Pancakes: (yes, the is an extra "na"... its on purpose) I remember listening to the song in CT and deciding that i was going to make bananana pancakes. As for the extra "na," I attribute that to the original joke, but more to Whit because it always made her laugh and we both used it as often as possible.

Rufus Wainwright - Hallelujah: This one is possibly the most abstract memory connection, it reminds me of the story of Samson (which is a part of the song "she broke your throne and she cut your hair") and how i could've nearly written a dissertation on what that story teaches you about love.

J-Mae - Ooh La La: First is pretty obvious that it reminds me of my sis (not by birth, but by eternal friendship of both the parents and the two of us...) because she is singin it, and being in her basement where i stole the song she attempted to hide from me. It reminds me of the teen center where she recorded the song, and also the first time we met, in my driveway in CT at a party her mom was invited to, and she talked to my brother and I about how she was having a hard time at school with "friends."

South - Paint the Silence: The OC, its the song that no matter what will always remind me of the show, along with California by Phantom Planet.

Kutless - Promise of a Lifetime: My brother's first sermon and my first children's story because it was the song Cory sang as a special music.

Matt White - Best Days and Matt Nathanson - Come on Get Higher: An awesome pair of songs that go together nicely (even though the edited version of Best Days is better...) especially on the drive up or down from Mo-town.

Breaking Benjamin - So Cold (acoustical): This song brings me back to CT and someone i only saw a few times, Jill's brother loved BB and had never heard this version of the song, that immediately brings up the greatest moment in video game sports history. On the first time I met Casey, (who was/is a 3rd degree black belt in one of the violent sports and for a short time was training for the UFC)  we played a game of NCAA or Madden football, and he had the lead with the ball and thirty seconds or so left in the game and i made a prediction. My prediction was that in the last play of the game, I would sack him and cause a fumble, then run the fumble back for a touchdown to win the game like a hero. Yeah, it happened.

Family Force Five - Erfquake: The single most embarassing song that i own, and it reminds of SWC and hulk smash gloves (which the lead singer used to hold his mic). I really dislike this "band/crew of idiots."

On that note, i think i'll end this trip though my memory and mind, but it was a fun little trip for me even if you didnt enjoy it.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Acceleration, Deceleration, and Everything in Between.

0-10: Three years.
10-0: One month.
0-8: Two months.
8-0: ?

I guess this wouldn't make a car worthy of Fast and Furious on paper, but it would easily win the most unique competition. I guess in the end I'm not looking for the newest and fastest car thats ever been made, I don't need the Bugatti Veyron, I'm not looking for a 10 second car, and i don't want "All-American Muscle" either. The car i do want is really expensive and requires some serious work, the difference being that its built for endurance. Im going to say that the average street race lasts a few minutes at most (and most under 30 seconds of "drag racing"), and the cars are made for that, fast, and rather unstable because of it. The average Le Mans is 24 hours and 3000+ miles, a car that can last in a race 500 times longer and about 3000 miles longer. I dont want some suped up tuner that is only good for a mile of high speed racing, but instead one that can take on 3000 of those miles where it performs consistently from beginning to end and is even ready for the next race immediately. It takes time and work to get a car ready for that, I just need the right garage to put in the wrench time.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


We wont ask how, but i procured a copy of Harvest Moon: Back to Nature. Its just as good as i remember it, maybe even better. this will be the only post that i have about the game and my extreme addiction, but ill keep it updated with my awesome accomplishments.


*Purple Heart on Year 1 Spring 18 (Horse Race)
*Blue Heart on Year 1 Summer 24 (Fireworks Display)
*Green Heart on Year 1 Fall 15 (Her Birthday)
*Yellow Heart on Year 1 Winter 10 (Dog Race)
*Orange Heart on Year 2 Spring 2
*Red Heart on Year 2 Spring 18 (Horse Race)
That completes the cycle from black to red in exactly one year! Marriage will come maybe in the first week of Summer.


*Purple Heart on Year 1 Spring 22 (Cooking Festival)
*Blue Heart on Year 2 Spring 0 (New Years Festival at the Summit)

*Purple Heart on Year 1 Spring 22 (Cooking Festival)

Crop Totals:
*Year 1 Spring. 122 Cucumbers, 29 Turnips, 22 Cabbages Shipped.

*Year 1 Summer. 75 Pineapples, 67 Corn Shipped.

*Year 1 Fall: 911 Sweet Potatoes Shipped. (approx. 100,000g profit)

Dog: Bruin
Horse: Kodiak
Both animals at 10 hearts by Winter 1.

Chickens: Ichi, Ni, San, Shi, Go, Roku, Shichi, Hachi, Kyuu, and Juu (1-10 in Japanese)
Ichi won Sumo contest 19 days after purchase: Golden Eggs.
All chickens with 10 Hearts by Winter 1.

Cows: Hitotsu, Futatsu, Mittsu, Yottsu (One, Two, Three, Four when counting objects)

Chicken Coop and First House upgrades before Fall 1.
Barn and Second House  upgrades before Winter 1.

Its funny going from the most inactive and boring season (Winter) to the most assiduous and organized season (Spring). I'm going from zero crops and an overly abundant amount of time to waste, and still having the ability to go to bed by 6pm, to a season where I'm growing more than I have ever even attempted and not having a moment of freedom and being lucky to get to bed by 11pm. I'm now growing 24 plots of crops, 16 plots of grass, and 16 plots of flowers (actually are needed to get honey and a power berry...) Luckily, grass never needs watering, and the flowers I'm not dedicated 100% to, so they can miss a watering on a holiday. I spent most of last night doing farm math of costs, profits, harvest days vs. holidays, and making a schedule for the important events of the day. Its also the season that I plan on being married in, so I have to juggle presents and visits to up Karen to Red, then propose. The wedding a week later, so I need to plan well ahead and make sure that it doesn't fall on a holiday or a harvest day.