Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Ideas.

I think I am going to try blogging more often now (not too hard seeing as it had been months between blogs), but i want to incorporate the share feature of bandcamp from the previous post. So now when I blog, I will put a song that I found by chance and liked at the end of each post. This one is simple because I dont have much to say at the moment, but I did have a small quote as I was drawing in the dark a few days ago that I will write.

"The entire last month, I have been a mask. Lindsey Lee Wells thinks she is full of shit, I have perfected her art."

<a href="">Avada Kedavra by The Age of Rockets</a>


Jordanmwilliams said...

Thanks for the help with my list.. I shall start memorizing it stat... well after I finish my lesson plan for sabbath school


Anonymous said...

you realize ive had this song for like.. 2 years now right?