Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Well I Suck...

Clearly saying I was going to do something new and post was a lie, so I wont even come close to saying anything like that ever again. Quick posting to give you the stalk schedule so you know where to find me at any given time.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
10-10:50 - Physics (Science Building)
12-12:50 - Economics (Health Science Building)
1-1:50 - Sociology (Health Science Building)

Tuesday, Thursday:
9:30-10:45 - History (Social Science Building)
2-3:15 - Ethics (Language Arts Building)

Tuesday Only:
11-1:45 - Physics Lab (Science Building)

Thursday Only:
7:30-9:45 - Speech Performance (Music/Speech Building)

I will potentially attempt to possibly blog at length about these classes after I get in to them and am official, and have a slight grasp on how they will be. Don't be too shocked if it takes a while though.

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