Monday, March 16, 2009

The Mother Theory

Robin... Barney... I have seen and heard the mother. You have seen and heard the mother. She has been shown, and i know when and where. Before you play the disbeliever's role, I will give you all the proof. The episode is 312, St. Barney's Day. The time, 13:24. This scene is no accident. Do not skip straight to this scene, watch the episode from beginning to end, and very carefully watch that moment in time. This scene that she appears in proves 2 things: Writers and Editors still love to have fun while making a show. 2nd, Future Ted is very unreliable, if only because of a technicality. Clue 1. The episode begins by talking about how the mother is at the same party as him. Clue 2. A woman bumps into Ted for what seems to be a simple accident. Clues 3 and 4. The episode ends by Future Ted saying, "Your mother was at that party, i just didnt meet her." Clue 1 is a simple trick to give the continuity to the mother story line... to the untrained eye. Clue 2 appears to be an accident... to the untrained eye. Clues 3 and 4 seem to be the "just missed her" ending to yet another episode... to the untrained eye. Clue 1 is meant to draw your attention to the mother story line, and yet still meant as only the tease that it has been in every other episode. Clue 2 is where the real event happens: Shows never film random accidents, there is more that could be done in those 5 "random" seconds that they wouldnt waste, and well writers are pricks that like to show you something you dont recognize, just to do it again and make sure you see what you missed. Clue 3, yet again giving attention to the mother and how she was at that party. and Clue 4, makes the whole rouse complete, by saying "I just didn't meet her" it gives the impression that she and he never crossed paths. But that would be incorrect, they crossed paths, they just never had an introduction, only an apology from both sides. This sadly means that the story of Ted and the Mother, did not happen like Robin, it was not love at first sight, also a wonderful writer's tool. The relationship that does not work but everyone is rooting for, is trumped by the perfect relationship that happens completely differently. She has been found, and she exists for a whole 3 seconds. Enjoy my friends, Partake in my feast of supreme intelligence, it is abundant!

P.S. They felt the episode was so important that they began Barney's blog on the same day.I am LEGENDARY. True Story.


Anonymous said...

ted you draw good points with that but as I told you Future Ted is an is a bad narrator. Evidence is the episode with the goat....

But you could aswell be right and that episode is the only one that we have at the moment that really gives us a good look at the mother (the scene with the yellow umbrella in the beginning) is it even possible that the mother was in the background of that scene (13:24) I guess we shall never know until all is revealed e but here are some theories that I have thought up thru me watching the show.

I do remember the kids referring Ted as their father, but what IF the kids were actually adopted and he is telling them of how he met their biological mother.

But what if Ted has met their mother, he just doesn't realize it yet. It could be Victoria - and he will run into her again at the end of the series.

Using Occam's razor it's not Robin nor Victoia. The show is called how I MET your mother. Not how I met her were freinds dated, broke up and got back together. It could be the girl from the dating service since he never met her. I like to think that it could be one of the other girls that were with Robin when she first met Ted since he didn't meet any of them. Which makes me ask why is it that it seems that Robin just dumped thoes girls and started to hang with Ted and the gang?

...but i have thought and studied that eps before lol

Nrgyfitgirl said...

lol..ted.. barney... you guys are.. hilrarious... true story