Monday, March 30, 2009


In the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behaviour which makes the original false conception come 'true'.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Garber: Taking the Krispy Kreme Challenge

Hey guys, i read this on ESPN and laughed retty much from beginning to end, i thought you might enjoy it, so please do enjoy it.

Garber: Taking the Krispy Kreme Challenge

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Successful Facial Transplant

OK, so I may not ever want to be a surgeon for humans, but I did perform a facial transplant of sorts. Last night a very sad and aggravating event occurred, the screen on my laptop cracked in the bottom right corner. It wasn't a complete tragedy, if I needed to, I could survive with the inch of unusable screen. But I didnt want to, so I did a bit of research and found that luckily my old dell and my new HP use the same size and type of screen (type is extremely important... if you mix up resolutions, you can effectively destroy your computer). So I pulled out my tools and performed my first transplant, and a successful transplant at that. That's really all I had to say.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Blogging for Blog's Sake

I literally am only typing for the sake of this blog staying semi-current, not because I have anything profound to say. I have realized that i am the wrong personality for a blog though, I don't freely tell my feelings. This blog then becomes more for recaps on how awesome I, and the things I do are. I guess in the end this will be good at one thing, and that is successful memory keeping. Without further ado, here is a list of notable things.

1. I am caught up with HIMYM now, and i will watch my first episode on its premiere tomorrow night.
2. My brother came home today after his trip to NE, and will be preaching Saturday.
3. Tomorrow I'm going to FCC to have a much needed conversation and head bashing.
4. Tuesday i should be getting a haircut, and i will be losing this precious golden locks, for now.
5. The NCAA tournament is great, I'm very much enjoying it and getting really into it.
6. Sleeping sucks, audio books help. First the Rowlings, then the Meyers, then... well, ill need help with more ideas of good books to sleep to.
7. I plan on getting back into fencing practice, and i made a new friend the other day... I call him Pokey, and I stab him, that's about all he is good for.
8. I am an epic Wiilympian, I held at 3 world records at one time: Javelin, Pole Vault, and High Jump. Its ok to be jealous...
9. I was offered a job, if i had already graduated, by a woman who called me a sharply dressed young man. That was on the same day that someone that could've been my mom said "Good luck, sir." Does that make me old?
10. I'm kinda stretching with my list, i just had seven and wanted to make it ten, so I'm making it ten right now. If you dont like it, do something about it, i dare you.

So now, do me a favor and recommend a few books, maybe even a series of books that would be good to sleep to, I can guarantee the answer is nothing from Steven King.

PS. The Orange Grove has been updated to include the weekend's events, check it out if you wish.

PPS. I am adding this little note with ScribeFire in my Firefox browser just to make sure it works.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Mother Theory

Robin... Barney... I have seen and heard the mother. You have seen and heard the mother. She has been shown, and i know when and where. Before you play the disbeliever's role, I will give you all the proof. The episode is 312, St. Barney's Day. The time, 13:24. This scene is no accident. Do not skip straight to this scene, watch the episode from beginning to end, and very carefully watch that moment in time. This scene that she appears in proves 2 things: Writers and Editors still love to have fun while making a show. 2nd, Future Ted is very unreliable, if only because of a technicality. Clue 1. The episode begins by talking about how the mother is at the same party as him. Clue 2. A woman bumps into Ted for what seems to be a simple accident. Clues 3 and 4. The episode ends by Future Ted saying, "Your mother was at that party, i just didnt meet her." Clue 1 is a simple trick to give the continuity to the mother story line... to the untrained eye. Clue 2 appears to be an accident... to the untrained eye. Clues 3 and 4 seem to be the "just missed her" ending to yet another episode... to the untrained eye. Clue 1 is meant to draw your attention to the mother story line, and yet still meant as only the tease that it has been in every other episode. Clue 2 is where the real event happens: Shows never film random accidents, there is more that could be done in those 5 "random" seconds that they wouldnt waste, and well writers are pricks that like to show you something you dont recognize, just to do it again and make sure you see what you missed. Clue 3, yet again giving attention to the mother and how she was at that party. and Clue 4, makes the whole rouse complete, by saying "I just didn't meet her" it gives the impression that she and he never crossed paths. But that would be incorrect, they crossed paths, they just never had an introduction, only an apology from both sides. This sadly means that the story of Ted and the Mother, did not happen like Robin, it was not love at first sight, also a wonderful writer's tool. The relationship that does not work but everyone is rooting for, is trumped by the perfect relationship that happens completely differently. She has been found, and she exists for a whole 3 seconds. Enjoy my friends, Partake in my feast of supreme intelligence, it is abundant!

P.S. They felt the episode was so important that they began Barney's blog on the same day.I am LEGENDARY. True Story.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Message To Barney

Hey Barney, I'm gonna post this until you reply to it, and please reply when you get it. My parents will be going to The thingy at FAA tomorrow, so i can get a ride with them to the school, which will save gas and energy for you. They will be there before noon, so I should easily be able to watch you bleed out on the table... Let me know you saw this by commenting, or I will give you a call after i wake up to let you know that this blog is sitting there waiting for you to see... In summation, I dont need you to come pick me up, and i will most likely be there about the same time as you. Thank you, that is all.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Orange Grove

Rorschach's Journal:

Thursday March 5, 2009. Robin and I went and played tennis at FCC, where we were later joined by Swarley. We later made an excursion through kawateien. After having a salad pizza, we finally went to our destination, Watchmen. After the nearly 3 hours were over (it wasn't a life changing movie, but it would be worth a matinee) i went home an watched Hero (the Jet Li movie) while packing for LSU.

Friday March 6, 2009. I showered at about four in the morning after not sleeping and then made the excursion to LSU with my Faj. The ride was quite tame, it started with me reading Potter and my dad driving, and at some point I nodded off for about 20 minutes. I awoke to a gas station and a diner-esque breakfast. Buffet breakfast foods are never the smartest idea, but they tasted alright. Afterwards, one of the longest conversations between my dad and I took place, about the economy and politics. It pretty much lasted from the gas station all the way to LSU, multiple hours long. We met up with the brother, and the faj went to a job interview. After watching a wonderful Improv practice, the brother and I drove and got a free craigslist couch for his new appartment. The rest of the day was just hanging out until vespers where Sam gave a good sermonette.

Saturday March 7, 2009. Woke up after 10 hours of sleep to make up for the previous 36 solid hours awake. Then I made my trip to the church to hear a forgettable sermon and an extremely long welcoming ceremony to the new female head pastor. Then it was lunch and hanging out until the One-Acts performance. The plays ran the gamut of quality. The first one that was about angels watching a couple have sex was funny for the fact that some people didnt get it and well, it seemed out of place. The second was beyond dull and dumb. The third got a solid second place for the night. The fourth was good only because the actress was able to keep a robot voice for the entire performance. The fifth was directed by the brother's friend and starred the brother. It was hysterical watching the brother act like a prat and a pansy. After it ended, the drive home began. It sadly didnt go the same as the drive up, its highlights were: Reading and finishing Potter, and stopping at a rest stop where it was cold enough that when i did pee, it created steam.

Sunday March 8, 2009. Robin, Swarley and I (Ted Moseby, Architect) ran through an orange grove, then later marked our territory... Yeah, like that...

Tuesday March 10, 2009. Robin just surprised me with what I've been craving for the last week. Chow Mein and Donuts (Maple Bars). Robin is wonderful. Im glad this story will end differently than the original.

(Rest of blog inserted.)