Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Six Flags: Candy Mountain

My neck hurts now, but only when I extend my neck and look up. Yesterday was a great trip to Six Flags on a near perfect day: cloudy and cool, neither too hot nor too cold, and lines took no more than fifteen minutes to get front seats. We left for our trip around 6 and went to Starbux where all three drinks were made wrong (one with whip when ordered without, and two with some obscenely burnt coffee), but that didn't get us down or ruin the trip. After a massive game of unorganized leap frog with many cars and the beast struggling over the grapevine, and the world's creepiest guy ever (his car had many satan on board stickers, skull decorations, minnie mouse dolls, and some awful women's over-sized sunglasses), we made it to the park before it opened. With the extra time we decided to go to Albertsons and find breakfast. My breakfast consisted of some delicious goat cheese with garlic herb foccacia bread, before being dropped off at the gates to buy tickets.
We started our first circuit by skipping X2 the first time around and instead starting with Tatsu, twice actually. Tatsu is such and epic rollercoaster, the flying position through twists, turns, flips is amazing and feels much longer than most others in a very good way. Oh, the front flip might be the single most exhilarating experience imaginable, its a HUGE flip, one that is the most enjoyable part of the entire park for me. The only downside to the entire ride is waiting to be let off the ride you are stuck in the flying position for a small time and its not the most comfortable. From there we went on to Deja Vu, which is the one ride that scares the hell out of me no matter how many times i ride it. The beginning of just completely vertical hanging until dropping at the speed of light, flipping and spinning faster than you can even keep up with before being pulled up backwards and making the same drop and doing everything in reverse is just killer. We settled ourselves down by riding Terminator the Ride, which is no walk in the park itself. The ride seems much more chill and easy when the first drop doesnt seem to happen, but dont be fooled, just around the corner is a nice sized drop and some speed. Flying through the waiting area is a really cool feature and all the tunnels make for a nice ride. The only complaint was that the speakers in the carts were not so wonderful and not equipped to handle the bass in the into music. With our newly settled brains and bodies, we adventured to Riddler's Revenge, which apart from the uncomfortable seat, is a good ride for flipping in an inventive way to ride. Standing throughout the ride lets you feel a bit more free while you can bed and straighten your legs to make you feel more in control. We stuck with the comic theme by going over to Batman which is an under-appreciated ride, it is very short and over quickly, but is full of thrills, mostly after the slowdown. After the platform to slow your speed slightly you go through two corkscrews and then fly through a much tighter one that is amazingly fast and powerful. Riding this twice in a row is the way to go, with no one in the queue, we were able to repeat it back to back making it the length of most other coasters. We followed the circle around to Scream! where the "M" flipscrew is quite impressive, you go vertical expecting a backflip, but at the peak you make a small turn, and turn again before making the downward finish of the flip, making an "M" shape. Its a fast, thrill packed ride, but must have mind erasing powers, because its hard to remember what happened after you're done. Our next stop was Goliath, and after a small break to let our brains re-center in out skulls, we made the trek to the line. The extremely huge drop is a major attraction to this ride, and it fulfills its guarantee of being more than ridiculously high. After the drop there are some nice turns and drops before you slow and make a very dangerous feeling hanging turn and going through two circles with tremendous G's.
Afterwords we left the park to get some lunch and take a nap in the van (the Albertson's shopping center was very handy as it contained both a Panda Express and Subway to accommodate everyone). We returned to the park and started by going straight to X2. In the realm of epic ideas for roller coasters, This one pushes the limits of what should be allowed before minds explode in its awesomeness. There is nothing more intensely ridiculously amazing than X and its update to become X2. The idea is unfathomable, a great roller coaster if you were stationary the entire time, made even more ludicrously mind bending by having a seat that can rotate 360 degrees foreward and backward. To describe what this is like is nearly impossible, i couldn't even begin to guess what actually happens to you throughout the ride, all i know is that the audio in the beginning of the ride is hilarious (but needs to have the counting before the drop to be changed into "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor"). After that,there are a few things that you can actually comprehend: this is the greatest feeling you have ever felt, the fire was a great blast of heat, and the sadness that it ended. Its also nice that the seat cradles you in a very comfortable position while you wait to get off the ride. This had completed the entire Thrill ride circuit through the park and we made the decision to repeat our favorites. We re-visited Goliath, Deja Vu, (settled down again with Terminator) Tatsu three times in a row, then finished on X2 to finish the night. It was an unbelievable day in the park for a great price (half price coupons made it wonderful).